Tranny tailshaft length.

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Posted by Arnold H. Lester Jr. (IP: on September 08, 2000 at 21:46:04:

Okay, I just pulled the tranny out of my 72 Grabber the other day at work.I took it to a guy that works at our Augusta shop that is a jam up manual tranny builder.He told me my tail shaft and tailhousing wre too long.That the tranny came out of a truck or van.Does anyone know how long the tail section of a 72 3-spd should be?How about the driveshaft?If I can find out either of these measurements I'll know if it's a bogus tranny or not.Also after I lowered the tranny down with the tranny jack, I tried to pick it up myself.Being used to seeing nothing but aluminum trannies I thought I could pick it up by myself....wrong answer, and my back and bad ankle let me know about it!!That sucker is cast iron and looks light because its so small.Looks can be deceiving I guess.By the way, I think I'll keep a 3-spd in just because you don't see them too much now-a-days.
Thanks guys,

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