Re: How do i get more power from a 200 I/6?  
Re: How do i get more power from a 200 I/6? -- Jared Thompson Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Old Guy ®
2001/08/14, 22:10:55

Author Profile
:Now that I have got my car running right I would like to put some more power into it. Sorry for all these questions but I am fairly new with cars and I'm still learning a lot. Can anyone give me some suggestions on getting more power from my 71' mav (besides putting in a 302) that won't cost an incredible amount of money. The engine is a 200 I/6. It is pretty much all stock the way it is except for the new radiator. Thanks for any replys.

I don't think there is anybody on this board that hasn't started out in the same situation of learning, so no need to be sorry about wanting to learn. Anyway to say the least you are a little bit limited to power boosters for the 6cyl you have. But for a small investment I think your best bet would be to do a good tune-up(new plugs, good set of wires etc.) Set the timing up a few degrees and run some high octane gas, new air filter too. The best seat of the pants improvement would be to change to a lower rear end gear, say you have a 2.79 in it now, try and find a 3.50 or something close. This will improve quickness from dead stop through all the gears. Of course this also will cause the engine to turn more RPM's at highway speed and use more fuel but we just can't seem to have it both ways. If you have a C4 trans, a good shift improver kit in the valve body will also help. All this can be done by you, the public librarys have a lot of useful info on this stuff and it's free. Check out some other Ford web sites too. Good luck and keep us informed on progress.

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