Posted by: Earl M. Pillow ®
2001/08/20, 09:00:18
Author Profile
Just wondering if maybe you've bumped up the timing for performance purposes? The more you advance the timing past 6 degrees before TDC, the hotter it will run (sorry to state the obvious). I set the timing "by ear" on my 250 and it would overheat after just a few minutes. When I finally checked it with a light, I was probably closer to 20 degrees or more advanced. When I set it by the light, I can let it sit and idle all day and it stays rock-steady at 180 degrees, and that's with the factory 2-row radiator. That might not be it, but worth a try. If you want to keep it advanced, just add supplemental cooling, like an electric "pusher" fan on the front of the radiator to help the stock fan. By the way, that's how I ruined my first car... letting it overheat. Water pump went bad (leaking) and I drove it anyway, filling it back up with water when it boiled over. I was a stupid teenager. All that heat finally took a toll and my oil pump went bad, and well, let's just say it was downhill from there. Good luck!