Lots of good points here but is the frame straight.  
Re: New shocks for the Mav, what kind and how much? -- Jerilyn Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Mark Suarez ®
2001/07/26, 17:43:31

Author Profile
If everything in the suspension (except the Shocks) has been replaced, and the tires are balanced, then you need to check the car's frame. A bent or twisted frame on a car will cause shimmies, tire wear, and alignment problems.

Park the car on level ground. Make shure the doors and trunk and hood are closed tightly.

Now look at the door gaps on both sides of the car.

1. On each door is the gap pretty much the same all around?
(Older cars usually have a little sag in the door hinges so this is only a rough test.)

2. Do the gaps on the left and right side of the car about the same?

3. Do the gaps around the hood and truck look uniform on both sides and through out the run?

4. Looking straigth at the car from the front and the back, does the car look like it is sitting straigh?

IF some of the answers to these questions is "NO" then you MIGHT have frame problems and the car is probably not woth keeping for the long haul.

Alignment shops can compensate for a slightly bent frame but this can never be fixed without putting the car on a frame machine or having it pulled within specs.

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