Posted by: Jerilyn ®
2001/07/25, 01:25:23
Author Profile
Hello everyone!
After a very extensive search as to why the mav shimmies and pulls to one side I have finally resorted to getting new shocks. The rest of the suspension is new, and I have had it aligned a few times at different places. The tires in the front are going to be replaced soon because they are wearing funny. I found some shocks at AutoKrafters that come with the bushings and all that good stuff and they are something like $19.95 before shipping a piece. Since I am sort of new to this whole thing is that a good price? Where else should I look and how much should a good but not too pricey shock cost? How much time in labor does it cost to put them in? What are some good brands? I know that I am going in kind of blind so I thought that I would come to the best for advice. Thanks in advance. My mav is a 1973 302, 2 door, automatic in case this is relavant. I am also kinda doing this on a budget, student with not a whole lot of money. Thanks again.