Re: also........  
Re: also........ -- wm Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: rickyracer ®
2001/07/09, 19:07:53

Author Profile
I think you're right, less oil ould run down onto the seal itself and as you say the changing of it doesn't require pulling off the cover.

:I noticed that the newer timing covers have a seal that is mounted from the front whereas the older covers mount from the rear. So, a seal that goes bad on the newer one only requires removal of the harmonic balancer while the older one requires the removal of the timing cover. Maybe that was the logic. Remove the slinger and make the seal a front mount which is easier to change!
::I agree, however, I wasn't sure if the clearances were different for the timing gears and newer vs older timing cover. Also, the engine is already assembled I just happened to find this one. If the newer ones didn't have a slinger then they obviously improved the seal or didn't care? Who knows?
::You should use it if you have one available. It will help keep excess oil off the front seal.

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