Re: A Maverick what?  
Re: Re: A Maverick what? -- Jay Trudgen Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Andrew Mc Call ®
2001/07/16, 11:26:24

Author Profile

There is a Mercury Marauder but what I own is a Maverick Marauder, one of very few around. You hear about them because no one has one. And the demand is very low, talk with a person that was around from 70-76 and they will tell you they existed.
And just like I told the other fellow I can give you the Vin number and you can call Ford Motor Company for yourself. But I would be happy to sell you this rare car too! That is why I am on the this message board talking about it. Its gotta go. I thought the car would be worth 10 to 15K. But in reality maybe 5 to 10K with the rarity of the machine.

This is not a car that was a dealer special they actually made them, and I say rare because there are only one other one registered in the state of Ned. one in Iowa that's mine and none in South Dakota.

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