Re: Head setup?  
Re: Re: Head setup? -- 74merc Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Ken Merring ®
2001/09/16, 01:33:38

Author Profile
:According to information I have gathered over the years, your 74 heads are pretty much equal to the 95 heads, maybe a little better on the exhaust port.
:You will have a compression drop more that likely, specs say the 74 heads are 58cc, the 95 heads are 64, but I've heard of them being as low as 58.
:I don't think I'd go over 270* duration with 8:1 compression, I've been workin on that one for years too. You don't have enough static compression to work with once your cam starts to lose time under compression. You may gain RPM with that cam, but odds are you won't gain any power. I've pretty much decided to leave mine alone until I rebuild it, damn near any cam I've looked at putting in it would lower my torque, or raise torque and lower my RPM range.
:If you really intend on swapping the heads, go ahead and buy a set of flat top pistons, even still, by stock specs, you'll only have around 8.6:1 compression with the 95 heads.
:I have the basic bolt on's, but that's all I'll recommend on this old bird, she just doesn't have enough compression to work with. Good heads tho.
::I have a pair of 95 heads off a 5.0. From what i can tell they are referred to as E7TE-6049-AB, anyways i am now in the process of staring at em and wondering what i need to get em running. I mean i know rocker arms and pushrods, but what kind? i want a decent and cheap as possible roller rocker. The cam kit is coming with springs, retainers, locks ect ect. So that said Do i need guide plates? what kind of push rods, and what roller tip rocker will work? oh, and a 1.6 or 1.7 rocker?
::Side note...
::I am getting excited about this car, i got the headers, exhuast, 4bbl carb and manifold. I am using a Weiand single plane and a holley 600cfm. I got cheaper headers (paw) for now. I am going with a cam kit from comp cams - 275/280 219/233 .477/.510 110. I am not sure if i am over camming it at 8.0:1 compression and i am still unsure on the CC size of the 95 heads so i am not sure if i am decreasing compression as of yet. I also have a 2200 stall convertor and 3.00 gears, will be installing 3.80 gears in the next month or so. Anyways, thanks to ALL for putting up with my questions
::DAvid, It can be done but your going to get into a hassle. There are a bunch of questions that need to be answered. I won't go into them except to say be very carefull trying to use 1.7 rockers with the cam you said you are considering with an exhaust lift of .510 with 1.6 rocker ratio. With 1.7 ratio the lift will be .542 (.510/1.6= .319 X 1.7= .542). Is there enough piston clearence? etc. with any head you use. The cam you mentioned is a high end cam 2200-6000 and needs some gear to work well

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