Re: Steering linkage adjustment???  
Re: Re: Steering gear box adjustment -- nick heckaman Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Ray Parrish ®
2001/09/25, 00:13:38

Author Profile

Sorry to tell you but no, there is no adjustment on the ball and socket for the steering linkage. However, you can get a kit and rebuild the one you have. It's been a while since I've bought one so I am only assuming they are still available. If you have a hard time finding one, check the Mustang suppliers...I'm relatively certain it takes the same kit as some of the Mustangs. This unit is not hard to rebuild but if you tackle it, treat it like an engine overhaul. Make sure everything is cleaned and lubricated thoroughly as you are putting it back together. You don't want dirt and grime inside this unit.
Good luck, Ray


:ok so if it's usually the ball and socket on the steering linkage does it have to be replaced or is there a way to adjust it? cuz mine has a lot of play.

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