Posted by: John Ford ®
2001/09/28, 02:02:16
Author Profile
I was not going to post this until you mention about down shifting into 1st when slowing down. I had a similar problem with my truck. Shimmied real bad at low idle(in gear) and when downshifting(only in 2nd) coming to a stop. I thought torque converter was locked-up also. So I changed it and it did not help anything. These guys(on the board) are probably right but before you start pulling a tranny out humor me by taking some carb. cleaner or something similar and spraying it around the intake manifold while the car is idling. If it tries to die or starts sputtering that could be your problem. That is what was wrong with my truck. Intake gasket leak. Put a new gasket on and smoothed the tranny right up. I believe(if I am wrong someone tell me) that the tranny shifts off vacumm, so if your losing vacumm it will act funny. Thats just my thoughts, sorry for the long story, but maybe it will help.