Seem to have a gas leak coming from the tank on my 73. Going to take it apart this weekend and put new filler hose and seal on it. But I can't seem to find a diagram anywhere that shows me the parts I need or how it goes together. Probably not very hard, but I'll have to order the parts so I was curious if anyone had this.
I doubt that the filler neck gasket is leaking. Tank has to be completely full to leak there....and would only leak down past the gasket....which would be very little.
Thanks. I know when I filled it the other day the automatic shutoff on the pump didn't work and overfilled the tank. So when I went to fill it again I made sure not to overfill and stopped it myself. My wife was behind me and said when I pulled away a onto the road good amount of gas seemed to pour out from the back of the vehicle. I don't really know what would cause that. I did fill the tank but I made sure not to overfill.
Wife said it looked like the leak was coming underneath the vehicle around the middle of the tank. I'll need to give it a better inspection.
If it is the tank doughnut, it's going to cause a leak on acceleration as the gas sloshes to the rear of the tank.... Probably leak at half tank or less...
Would a later model filler neck fix this? A lot of people seem to be replacing this with a later model.
Suffice to say .. Don't park this car in an " enclosed" garage till you FIND the leak and deal with it.. Nuff said ! Cometized (Chip)
Yeah, sitting outside. Hope to figure it out this weekend. Doesn't seem to drip when parked. Just during acceleration.
Just get a new filler neck seal/grommet. All the aftermarket companies have it, and they are also on eBay.
OK. I did first consider it. But my wife said when I pulled out of the station a large amount of gas poured out right after I filled up. I figured it might be the neck
If its the filler neck. They do get rusty right at the grommet on rot box cars. Still...It sounds like its getting past the grommet at the tank that seals the filler neck. Pull 5 sheet metal screws on the filler neck flange (Right on tail panel behind gas cap) Twist/pull repeat(Careful...Theres a cork gasket between the body/flange too) and it will slide out of the tank/car. Pull 4 sheet metal screws on rubber cover in trunk that filler neck passes through. Now you have access to the grommet on the tank...Simple to do and you dont have to drop the tank...Good luck!!!