a set of spark plug wires for the coil pack. the explorer oil pump drive/cam sensor assembly. we will also need some sort of air intake pipe and filter set up.
If it counts for anything a good comparison between Mo's kit and mine is his came in a big pile in the box... When I pulled mine out of the box it looked like this
Yes I did it was a very very time consuming and nerve wracking experience considering how much money I spent on all of it and how easy it is too screw it all up... Honestly I dont think I will even be 100% sure of it until I get it up and running in the car.. Even though everything passed on on the jimstim...
what do you guys think about this for coil on plug installation? http://www.diyautotune.com/catalog/ign1a-race-coil-p-394.html
You only need both sensors for SEFI. If you are going to use wasted spark then you only need one sensor.
I will get the synchronizer just because I will need something to drive the oil pump. And I'll add the sensor on there later if I go with a sequential setup. Thanks.
Next week we will experiment with crank wheel placement. Bryant thinks we can put it on the crank spacer. I'm assuming we would need the crank wheel key'd somehow.... This guy sells this on ebay....
Its the same thing, its just a different style crank wheel trigger. It uses an aluminum wheel and it has magnets/steel inserts in it to start the trigger cycle.