The MCCI has scheduled LOTS of Mini-Meets for this summer. We have events in Iowa, Texas, Pennsylvania, New Brunswick - Canada, Ohio......and we...
We will be there (of course). :D well as the Host Doug Bauer. Full details can be found under EVENTS on the MCCI facebook page as well...
I am sure the Membership Director is still processing your application and getting the info to the person who sends out the newsletter. It takes...
March/April issue of our newsletter "Shorthorns" is in your inbox. Great issue stuffed full of Mavericks and Comets!! 8 Mavericks, 4 Grabbers, and...
Find out all one needs to know on our website (below....just click on our logo).
Most items we have for sale are on our website. We do specialized shirts for the Roundup Nationals every year as well. Join the MCCI to learn more.
Not only does the MCCI have T-Shirts, Hats, etc...but in every issue of our Shorthorns newsletter we have a list of new and used parts vendors....
We have lots of meets in Texas. Join the MCCI and you will always be informed of all our events in the monthly newsletters sent directly to you....
That was actually our 2nd Annual Roundup Nationals. We used to hold it in conjunction with that show, until we broke off and hosted our own...
FULL details, including a map on how to get there, and a link to the restaurant's website, can be found on the MCCI website and Facebook pages....
It is never too late to join. :Handshake: Thanks for joining. Our Membership Director will contact you soon to verify membership received. [IMG]
Today is Super Sunday. So what makes it so "Super"? Not the BIG game....but the fact that the January/February issue of "Shorthorns", our full...
The Maverick Comet Club International (MCCI) has a list of new and used parts vendors in every issue of our newsletter "Shorthorns". Find out...
Several Mini-Meets have already been scheduled, including an Ohio Mini-Meet next month!! See all the State, Regional, and National Meets will...
This show will be BIG. You better plan on coming. It may never be closer to you.....who knows. Even if you come without a car......come on down!! minimum night stay required. We negotiated a great discounted rate....just for MCCI members. Membership has its privileges....
Roundup Nationals 2015 Update: Due to requests and a large amount of reservations, we have ADDED Monday night to our block of rooms and we have...
The MCCI had 2 mini-meets in Ohio last summer...but none were at a drag strip. We have already planned some events for this summer in Ohio....
Actually....we feel closer to 50 will be there....but we said 40 to be "safe". :D
The Maverick Comet Club International, Inc. (MCCI) is in New well as all the Canadian provinces. The Rep for your area is Paul...
Separate names with a comma.