Wow at the video... He better hope somethign went wrong... but even at that... he stayed on the throttle (of course something could have hung on it) but it could have been shutdown i think in that amount of time. If cars like that were going to do a burnout on the way out of the parade... they should have been barracades and they only able to drop hop it... not a burnout. These cars shouldnt be on regular pavement as they hook/spin totoally different. All I can say is wow
Saw the video this morning.......I just shook my head. I can't believe something like that would be allowed to take place around a crowd. I'm sad for the folks affected.......and I hope for the driver's sake that it was a mechanical failure.
I hope I don't get misunderstood and my thoughts not taken as being calloused, but it is so easy now for everybody to say, "This sort of thing should not have been allowed." Every quote I read in all the articles were people saying that same basic statement. We have been saying on it here. This burn-out thing has been done safely for over 15 years. I know people who have gone to this function for years and I've never heard them complain about the burn-outs. Let's look at this as a tragic accident and nothing more. This accident will most likely end the this charity function that has raised millions for children. All future events can learn from this and make safe changes that do not take away from the fun of such events in the future. When Houston Platt's funny car plunged into the stands at the local drag strip in Covington, GA, it put an end to that strip. The owner quit. He didn't even try to make improvements. The sad part was that this accident happened in 1967 and yet it was 1972 before there were safety standards in place to be followed by all drag strips. I pray for the families who lost loved ones, the injured and their families, for Troy Crtichley, and for Mr. Price, the organizer. All of these lives are changed forever. Let's not play Monday morning quarterback, but rather lend out support and knowledge to all car functions that happen for charity. We can work with local organizers and promoters to make a difference in the quality of all future auto events.
Agreed, but judging by the video, that was no simple "burnout". He was hauling ass down the street and lost control. That is uncalled for and we see the results...
Not justifying, but my understanding is that the pro drag cars have been doing it very similarly for quite a few years. It's real easy to overlook something on the edge of really stupid when nothing goes wrong. It can't be overlooked anymore.
I agree to this and also to T.L's statement above it Like I mentioned... a dry hop. or small burnout would be awesome... as would what happened but I dont think that full length burnout should have taken place. But each person has an opinion
Hawkco you said it exactly right.This a BIG show. If you had gone up and told Larry(Price) lets not do the burnouts you know what would had been said. Just to add gas to the fire quess how many more promods were lined up behind him?? answer....3 also a funny car called "shake rattle and roll"(elvis theme) AND a comet called the "dixie stomper". PLEASE REMEMBER FAMILES OF ALL THE KIDS THAT HAVE GONE TO BE WITH THE LORD
Just because it was done for 15 years doesn't mean that it wasn't a dumb idea every time. Luck finally ran out. RIP