Ok guys and gals, found the problem with the cable, you know how everyone talks about putting a bracket on the cable to hold it off the headers at the bend/curve where it takes it's turn to go to the tranny, well I did that, but I didn't think or know about further down, like just before the tranny mount, it gets close to the header there also and thats where the problem was/is, MELTDOWN!! Any body got any suggestions on how to prevent this from happening again, I have some military grade 1/16" thick aluminium tape, not sure if that would work or not, open for discussion/suggestions
I have a roll of that stuff, hmmm, thanks for the suggestion Would you make the heat shield to go just between the header and cable or would you wrap the header? the cable?
It's his clutch cable. Make a shield between the header and cable but don't let the shield touch either one.
I bought some header wrap.Wrapped both the header and the cable. Has worked well for a couple years now.
Here's your fix.. My shifter cable used to melt on my header tube but it's wrapped now.. Also reduces heat from inside..
You know up where the curve is, the cable is close to the hottest part of the header (where it exits the head) my cable is like an 1.5 inches from the header in that spot, it didn't melt there at all, you would think it wouldn't melt it further down the header if I could maybe keep it away from it a couple of inches, I will get under there and see what I can come up with taking all ideas with me and looking to apply any or all.
In addition to the shields/header wrap mentioned. I wud considere fabbing some kind of stand-off bracket to keep the cable away frm the heat source.
That is exactlly what i have added to mine for extra insurace.You can actuallysee a spot on the cable where it started to melt before i added the braket and wrapped the area.
Well I got another cable and I see why it won't work, the cable I'm using seems to be a bit too short to allow me to get it away from the headers in any way, I am looking into a 2002 mustang cable which is about 4 inches longer and should give me enough room to move it aside to clear the headers.