ordered a spare crank spacer and the wheel to trigger the EDIS fit perfectly on it...too perfect, not tight enough to be able to press it on there... the machine shop next door will grind down a portion of it, press on a large ring and then press the trigger wheel on there....we'll see how that works....
You know it might be better in the long run to have the machine shop just build you a new spacer. They have all the measurements they need all they need to do is make the OD of the spacer bigger. And it would probably be as cheap if not cheaper then them dialing it in and cutting the OD down to the correct size, making a sleeve, pressing the sleeve on, then dialing it in and cutting it to the dimension required and then pressing on the trigger wheel and keeping everything coencentric and the trigger wheel perpendicular to the centerline of the spacer. Honestly in aluminum that wouldnt take more then a couple hours if that even with a manual lathe. Heck they could even make the OD about 1/2 inch bigger and put a stepped down area with a nice shoulder on it so you could butt the trigger wheel right up too it and make sure it stays all straight when you press the trigger wheel on. I would hate to have that trigger wheel go on a little bit crooked it would be a pain to get it all ligned up again.
we talked to them about that option and this was the cheaper option. the disk that is being made is very simple to make and to just cut down the spacer is easy. to machine a whole new spacer will take more time and time is money.
Guess im just too use to having a NC lathe with live tooling and a live tailstock. You can actually draw that up in surfcam in a few min and the machine can spit out a completed part probably 20 min after you get your tooling setup.
sounds like you need to move your work out here so we can all benefit. this is all being done by hand on a lathe
We have a division down in Irvine I dont know how close that is too you guys. But I dont think I could talk my wife into going :16suspect
the machine shop next door turned down the spacer a little, added an extra plate, bolt holes cut and spot welded to the EDIS wheel