Here is the link telling you how you can setup your ignition using a distributor and here is the link to setup the Ford EDIS system But as a note the MS3 setup can drive up to 4 ignition coils without using the ms3x board so the pic of the wasted spark setup that I posted in my previous post could be activated directly from the MS3 chip
great reading material, gone through most of it .... so looks like I might benefit from exhaust temp sensor when I do my tuning, any recommendations on that?
If I get an EDIS setup will I be able to keep my current balancer? Can't quite understand how that works. Sounds like the EDIS is a very straightforward way to go unless I decide to just run the stock distributor.
"An EDIS system (module/sensor/36-1 crank wheel) appears just like a distributor to MegaSquirt® or MicroSquirt® controllers. The EDIS module independently takes care of sorting out the sparks to the correct cylinders with information from a VR sensor and a 36-1 crankshaft mounted wheel. So either MegaSquirt® or MicroSquirt® controller will work with any of the EDIS-4/EDIS-6/EDIS-8 systems." Here is one way to setup a EDIS setup using the stock balancer Here is another Another option is too use an AEM dual sync sensor that goes in the distributor and drives the oil pump. It gives both a cam position and a crank position signal. In all theory you should possibly be able too run a explorer Cam position sensor since the EDIS unit just needs a start point too run the cycle and that can be controlled through the MS3 box. And the MS3 can use the CPS as the cycle start point. It would potentially be easier too set it up and run with an explorer timing cover that has the CPS built into it and use the explorer Harmonic balancer, but then you would have to change all of your accessories too match the explorer setup since the timing cover and waterpump are different dimensionally and require specific brackets for all the components.
No thats not mine sad too say its one of the builds I have been referencing for information, but its about what im working for.
what's your plan, what setup are you going to go with? I think I will have the MS run the fuel for now and stick with the distributor. In the meantime I will start collecting the parts I need to switch to an explorer setup with the 4 coils.
I currently have a MS3 with the ms3x add on. I am going with a SEFI and a dizzy. I currently have a dual sync dizzy like you posted but with the small cap. I just got it all put together now I am getting ready to get a baffled mustang fuel tank and run an in tank pump. As silly as this sounds at this point I am keeping the distributor strictly for looks. I know the coil on plugs give more power and the setup I have is capable of it, but I like the look of the ford engines with the wires running from the distributor. But with this setup I can still do sequential EFI with a MSD 6al box and only have a minimal loss of power over the COP setup. And I still have room too do more in the future. The ms3x board gives options too control everything from a 4 bar GM Map sensor for forced induction or boost, and using the onboard map as a barometric sensor.
Sounds like we are both planning a similar install. What's next on your to-do list? I have to order the MS unit, get the proper wiring, probably get the MS3X so that in case I wanna upgrade to COP later I have everything I need. I have to find my sensors, get the proper connectors and start wiring. I think you sent me a link to the connectors I need, thanks.
I assume you are planning on using the DIYautotune wiring harnesses and then just cutting them too the lenght you need? Well to continue on right now im looking at getting an innovate wideband sensor for the exhaust tuning, Where I am getting a single lambada sensor I am probably going too install it in my xpipe on the exhaust just so I can get readings from both engine banks instead of just one side. The ms3x has the capability of running a dual lambada setup but I just dont have the money too afford to get one right now. Most of the sensors either I already have or they are common GM/Ford. I have a 2 bar GM map sensor, it uses the same wiring as the 4 bar so if I need too get a 4 bar setup then I just have to swap it out. My setup has a Ford 2 wire IAC valve on it I have thought about switching over too a 4 wire Delco IAC valve but I dont know if there would be much of an advantage in doing it. The temp sensors are just common 2 wire sensors. The air intake sensor I am looking at getting is an Edelbrock part that will fit in my air filter housing. It is actually a GM sensor but it is setup with a grommet so it will fit directly in my air filter housing. The only odd sensor I have is the throttle position sensor. I have a 1000 CFM Edelbrock throttlebody that came with the manifold setup and it uses an odd TPS, but fortunitely it uses a common GM plug. As you can see here the Accel Dual Sync distributor uses common GM plugs for both the cam and crank sensors one is just a male plug and one is just a female plug. So with all the plugs being common its fairly easy too get a kit for all of the connector plugs. For most of the sensors you can use a weatherpack kit put together by DIYautotune For the injectors you need specific plugs you buy these individually so you are going too need 8 of these Now depending on what IAC valve you use you can either buy a plug for it or you will probably have to scavange one from the JY. The 4 pin GM plugs can be picked up here and most of the odd plugs like the IAC plugs or the injector plugs can be bought in pigtail sets if that would be easier for you. I figure if I can get this setup running this year, maybe by this time next year I can have a vortech VS3 setup with the Airgap intake I have Something like this....
yes, I probably don't need the MS3X harness but would it matter if I get that one vs the MS3? Probably the 12' and place the MS under the dash somewhere where it won't get wet.
You get the ms3x in conjunction with the MS3 harness. When you run the SEFI wiring through the ms3x all the wires for the igntition comes through the ms3x wiring setup. Are you just going to be using the onboard map sensor? If you are I might reccomend getting the Mapdaddy 4 bar sensor too go on the MS3 board when you do your build that way it will accept boost in the future.
I don't know much about the map sensor situation yet....need to look into that more. I happen to have a 2 bar sensor, I will be adding a supercharger in the near future (man, me and you are planning such similar builds)....I was thinking of using the one that comes with the MS for now. So let me get this right, I should get the MS3X wiring or I should go with the MS3 wiring? Eventually I will get rid of my distributor and go either COP or wasted spark like EDIS....dunno when though.
I hate too say it but you are allot further on your car then I am, I was going to try and hit the silver state or speed week down on the salt flats in august but I cant even afford to get rims and tires to run down there right now. So hopefully next year... Either way you need to get the MS3 wiring, it runs the main system itself, everything from the fuel pump too the throttle position sensors. The ms3x wiring covers more of the individual coil wiring the cam position sensor wiring, and the add on wiring. I guess depending on what you want to go for in the future. If you are going COP and SEFI then you will want too get the ms3x. If you are going wasted spark or running an EDIS unit then you really dont need the ms3x board or the wiring. You can run LS1 truck coils(COP) in a wasted spark setup with a MS3 board alone also. Of course you can always upgrade to the ms3x later it just takes a matter of min to put it in the case change the settings in tuner studio and reburn the chip. The biggest change with doing that is the wiring.