sounds like he has luck like I do Too bad you guys dont have the timing cover and all the pulley brackets from the explorer, they have the crank trigger built into the timing cover. Also as a side note from what I understand(can not confirm it 100%) the explorer configuration puts the belts closer too the engine too so there is a little more room between the radiator too. Might make it a little easier if you are trying too put a supercharger belt in there too.
the explorer stuff does move the belt in closer to the motor. the water pump is 1.75" shorter also. the problem is with the supercharger. we have a kit for a fox mustang so we would have to ditch the whole kit and either go with custom brackets and pullies or see if there is a explorer kit that would fit.
couldnt you use a bracket kit from the sn95 mustangs with the 5.0 I thought they used the same waterpump and timing cover as the explorer setup. I have really thought of doing the explorer setup anyways because I have almost no room at all between my fan and my engine. Oh and if the supercharger is a problem you guys can send it too me I will figure something out to do with it
maybe we'll get some junkyard parts and see how different they are. I should be able to get all the parts I need for the EDIS system by next week.
does the mx3 support the wide band self tuning? i remember hearing that there was an additional module need to do that.
also i remember someone saying that they were working on a flex fuel thing. where you can get a fuel type sensor off of a flex fuel vehicle and be able to use any ethanol blend and have the proper correction factors automatically happen. does anybody know about this?
I got a great deal locally on a an EDIS 8, got most of the parts I need and the guy says he knows they work. test board This is the relay board with fuse panel built in
Mashori it all looks good. Bryant honestly im not sure how to answer your first question I might be thinking of the wrong thing but let me go this route and hopefully I answer it. Yes there is a self tuning feature with the MS3 the only fault I have found is the fact that it can only use one wideband o2(lambda) sensor to read it, so if you are using a V8 then you either only run the wideband controller off of one bank or run the o2 sensor in a crossover or x pipe. (this shows for the MS2 but it is the same because the MS2 and MS3 use the same board, its the processor setup that is different) The megasquirt boards have only one output to go too either the lambda wideband sensor or a narrow band o2 sensor. Sad too say there are not individual outputs for multiple banks or multiple sensors. I was actually looking this up to see if I could run a wideband on one side and a narrow band on the other too fine tune the setup in using a switching table at a certain engine temperature but currently with the software they have it is not possible at this moment.(that I know of) You can still run two individual sensors but the second one would be more for an A/F ratio guage or something of the sort. Now for the one I am sure of, yes you can use a E85 setup. It requires using a GM E85 switch and the MS3 has the ability too retain multiple burns so when the switch goes active the MS3 changes over too the secondary run table You know its really funny now I that i really think about it, as Mashori pointed out how similar our setups are going too end up. Its funny how most of the stuff you guys are doing or asking about I have been thinking about and figuring out for about a year now.. lol. And ironically enough we are getting the setups both running about the same time, but I do think you guys will have his up and running first.
I'm wondering if I'm gonna run into some difficulty with the cam that I have. It is a good cam and really has given me a lot of power but I wonder if switching to a milder cam will make tuning easier. I may have to switch to a milder cam once I go with a supercharger.
markso125, what your name? Mine is Mo. You mentioned a vortech supercharger, do you have that already or are you looking into it still? I have a T-trim that I am going to be using on this car.
Hello Mo. My name is Mark , At this time it is sad to say I dont have the vortech yet. I have to save my pennies up too get one well unless I find a really good deal on one but chances are that wont happen. But the one I am looking is the V3 with the SCI-trim, probably running only 5-6 psi boost.
sweet! that's one less thing to worry about. So Bry, anything else you can think of that I need? I think we said I would get the sensors locally....