Stockish, Your rear bumper is the same as 70-72. If you got the early rear bumper brackets and smaller filler pieces to go under the fender caps, that would move the bumper closer to the body, like those earlier cars. The front bumper is a one-year only. They can look good with a mild tuck, just shorten the brackets. If you do a search, I am sure you can find several here. Just don't move it back too far, getting too close to the parking lights makes it too obvious. Subtle is the answer.
Never heard of tucking the bumper. I'm ok how the rear bumper sits. Now got another question is the three piece rear spoiler year sensitive . Thank you everybody for the input. Stockish
Check out this thread on bumper tucks, especially the picture in post #35 If you want to do a rear spoiler I would highly recommend the earlier mounts to move the bumper in, otherwise it will jut out behind the spoiler instead of meshing well with it.