I'm not too worried about it. I may not ever build this car. I just had to get it for the parts if nothing else. I'm gonna jump on that hood real quick and strip it, repair it, and get it in a good primer for later use...or sale. There is even a Holley electric fuel pump in the trunk. The guy just bought the car for the motor and tranny. He said it was drivable a year ago. Who knows...may find a few surprises. Gonna pick it up Saturday.
Gee thanks...wait till next time I see YOU put something on eBay. I bet Eddie woulda been all over that baby. :16suspect
Gee thanks Terry...my wife saw that and now she wants you to get her the phone number to the program.
Ray, if I were you, I'd be asking how and WHY she knew where I lived. Her answer may determine whether or not we remain friends.