I understand on the recent oil change, but just to make sure you have not blown a head gasket take a look.
How old and of what quality are your plug wires? If they are old or of not good quality, they are more than likely your problem. Even a newer set of inexpensive wires may look fine but in fact they are broken or damaged internally due to spark plug removal. I've seen this happen far to many times when an owner changes, cleans or gaps spark plugs they end up with another problem and it is usually the wires. A quality set purchased at your local parts store will do just fine.
Running Motocraft Copper plugs, less than 10k on 'em. I can warranty out my wires at work. They're Omnispark so they should be decent right? What brand would you recommend otherwise?
I'm gonna do the Borg Warner cables and a new rotor just in case. I'll inspect and clean the plugs to make sure surfaces aren't fouled and we'll go from there I guess.
I'm sure your spark plugs are fine unless you dropped a plug on a hard surface during the gapping procedure? If so, the plug may have become damaged internally and show no signs on the outside. If you did drop a plug and you know which one it is you can check that plug by pulling a plug wire with the engine running therefore, making that cylinder dead. Determine the RPM drop based on the sound of the engine. You can use this procedure to check each plug, wire or a cylinders mechanical condition. If you have a cylinder with minimal RPM drop as compared to the others, that is your bad plug, wire or cylinder. Not familiar with the Omnispark brand other than they are sold at O'Reilly auto parts. Normally I would say those wires should be fine however, how old are they? Unless you know for sure they may look fine and still be bad. Also they may, due to no fault of your own, become damaged during spark plug removal. When in doubt replace the wires.
What computer??? No Maverick I've ever seen had a computer... The carbs on the six cyl often have overly rich issues that cause #3 & #4 spark plugs to foul, if those are the ones giving problem carb probably needs rebuilding...
I believe the head bolts are the same for all 1971 Maverick six cylinders. Neither O'Reilly nor NAPA have a head bolt for your application. I don't know which auto parts stores are in your area however, Auto Zone which is in my area can get them or they can be ordered on line at the following link. http://www.autozone.com/internal-engine/head-bolt-set/victor-reinz-head-bolt-set/138988_0_0/
I don't ever remember replacing head bolts on a stock engine, till introduction of the toque to yield bolts they were cleaned up and reused(damage excepted of course)...
Nice! I'm gonna try k-seal to fix the little coolant leak. The trans won't shift until 40 & 56 now. Wtf?