we got her done... fired it up and set the TV pressure and it's ready for the new exhaust system in the morning...
Yep...Tim thought they would be a good idea after I banged my head all day yesterday...funny thing, didn't bump my head once today... that thing sounded mean with open exhaust...
1.) Did the trans come painted or owner painted? 2.) What rear gear ratio is mated to? 3.) Any mods to the tunnel needed? Nice work!
thanks...:Handshake 1. Collin (owner) painted it. 2. 3:55 3. none...to the tunnel or drive shaft. crossmember was painted blue by me at collin's request...
It's funny how some touch the cross member welded on the bottom of the tranny tunnel, and some don't. You guys are the greatest friends a car guy could have.
Tim left a while ago heading home. He called and said he was passing a simi truck and realized he was doing 80 MPH...... before the motor noise kept him around 70... it was great being able to help him and Collin with the swap. it was a busy 2 days but today Harold was doing the work... thanks Tim for lunch...:Handshake T.L.H.A.O.D.