It depends. here is the pricing information: IF you are a MCCI member, you rec'd an order form with your latest Shorthorns. If you are not an MCCI member, join for the balance of 2007 for just $14 and receive member pricing on the shirts. Non-MCCI members must submit payment via money order or certified funds. Don't forget shipping if you want them mailed. Just make it clear what size, how many and what type of shirts you want. And please print your address clearly for shipping. Payments should be mailed to: Seth Roberts 3600 Glenwood Ave. #130 Raleigh, NC 27612 Thanks! Seth
Seth; sent you an email, but no response, so I gather you did not get it. Put me down for a XXL, and I will send the funds when I get a response from you. Thanks, and I like the b/w pic of the Comet!
Hey Earl! I have a pretty strong anti-spam setup. I didn't see yours anywhere. I'll put you down. So, you are not coming to the Roundup? Send me another e-mail, but I have your order. I'll need your address etc. I thought the b/w pic was a decent change for a while. Seth or Thanks!!
Dave, I don't see an e-mail from you that I recognize the name. Please resend it to: I have fewer spam blockers on that address than my other published address. Thanks, Seth
email sent to the red cometgt@aol address i resent it b/c my comp froze so you may have 2x from me thanks