You're fairly new to the board, stick around long enough you'll see what these GUYS below are saying is true. To my knowledge, this is THE Maverick/Comet board, you will find the most members and activity right here. That said, there are very few high end builds, the rest of the cars are labors of love that move along at a slow pace (take mine for example!). All of this is taken into consideration by the manufactures. The grabber hood came about because people are looking and they don't hang around for sale for long. Couple that with the fact that the carbon fiber hoods sell for more than what I paid for my car but they sell. That's one part that proved it had a market and made them jump on board.
Yeh, I get it but that doesn't mean I understand it. I always look to improve upon what I have and not wasting gobs of time doing. I'm just like everyone else, I fix it myself, can build it from scratch and I'm proud of ii. Just think how tight parts will be 5 or 10 years from now. These cars are a reflection of how America used to be; simple, economical, reliable and purposeful. I don't want to see our cars go by the wayside like so many other under appreciated American machines. So, you thought I was going there didn't ya. Not today. I'll bet the market gets better. As far as the cost of the bujlds, I've seen more money spent here than I plan to let go of. My car will be crafted by my hands and good ole boy connections like we've built through our love of The American Automobile and Spirit. I have an immense amount of respect for the craftsman on this site and the depth of knowledge they possess. Once I get to the point of cutting , welding and painting I'll definitely post for you alls advise and opinions. I feel ya, been working on my stang since 1990'. Doesn't get slower than that.
Oh boy, that's a BIG typo! When I first saw your post I thought, where the hell did that come from? I fixed it though!
I was one of those guys in high school that didn't take typing or computers, wasn't going to need that crap. Sure does bite me in the butt from time to time!