CJ Pony parts ordered it for a 73 mustang C4. I is a good looking pan a little expensive but works wonderful. also got new bolts with it had to get a new gasket at the local NAPA store.
I picked mine up from Summit. The aluminum ones are pricey but what isn't these days. http://www.summitracing.com/parts/sme-1006r/overview/
The pan looks good. Probably after Christmas. I got the manuals in for the 73. Couldn't find anything on shift shaft seal replacement. They're Ford manuals. Anyone got a diagram?
The 7-7265 and 7B498 is what needs to be replaced. The nut labeled 356071-S is what needs to be removed to get the shift lever out of the case. To get to it you will have to remove the valve body. That is why it would be a good time to install a shift kit as well as replacing the seal and o-ring.
when you go to break the nut loose, don't let the lever bottom out against the case on the inside. hold it with a wrench.
Ended up going with the summit racing pan and gasket set that takes the extra quart of fluid. Should be here any day, and ill replace that when I replace the shift seal gaskets. Assuming the transmission drains completely empty, and putting a pan on that adds an extra quart, how much transmission fluid am I looking at needing?
I have a 72 comet and my tranny is leaking from the pan, (need a new seal) but it is also leaking where the driveshaft meets the transmission, in that area, is that a common leak? What is the o ring called so I can fix it? Thanks!
there is a...tailshaft bushing...that needs replacing also. when it wears it allows the yoke to take out the seal...
Changing out the transmission pan for a"CAST" All Aluminum unit with 2 extra quarts capacity . Its a TCI Streetfighter C4 Transmission . We're drilling out a spot for the Transmission Temperature Sensor and are changing the seal also while we got it down . Another leak prone area is at the " Kick-Down" lever where it goes INTO the transmission. Hope it's a quick-fix for you . I have a small ' seep ' at the Shift Lever Area .. we all know what a " Seep " is .. It's a leak that you'd rather not be bothered with. Cometized (Chip)