COMET Fiberglass hood I read your old post about a COMET hood .. I have one in my parts trailer out back that I obtained when I purchased a RACE ONLY COMET in 1985 in South Florida .. I Picked the entire car up with a trailer and transported it back to my shop and disassembled it .. I DID have two Doors , Two Fenders , Trunk Deck and the Hood .. I sold the Doors , Fenders ,and I gifted the trunk lid to Josh Hill here in Florida when he was racing his 72 Maverick.( Now crunched).. The COMET was campaigned years ago here in Florida and other States ..The owner just needed the cash and placed an ad which I answered. All this said to say this .. If you're Serious about the Hood .. I'll open the trailer and take some photos .. The Hood is a " LIFT OFF " type secured with FOUR Hood Clips and Pins..It also has a TALL Scoop .. Lemmeknow .. my email address is .. Cometized ( Chip)
Are the Grabber Carbon Fibers still available? YES they are! and i have them in stock. Do you still have to ship to a business? Or can you ship to residence, with the new shipping box?
I would definitely be interested in the grabber carbon fiber hood along with the grabber 3 piece spoiler.... Do you still make the 3 piece grabber spoiler? For the look I will be trying to achieve I would have to buy both...
sorry no Comet Hoods at least for now. but i think there was some discussion about that years ago. however i am in the process of making a Comet scoop right now you should see that some time mid next year or a tad later when i get some time to make it. do know that since these hoods are not new it is very time consuming since most if not all old hoods need to be refinished and tons of body work done to them. hey thanks! but right now i feel the market is more for a OE type mounting. also making a mold of a hood that has already been a molded is not ideal. an original hood is what i prefer. i can ship to either shipping will be more to a residence. also you must consider that you must be there to inspect the hood. i can move them!!! email me! actually sent you a few emails before about orders but never heard back. i have grabber hoods in stock! spoilers i do not do anymore at least at this time i have something else in the works that hopefull will be better! but you won't see that until mid next year. new projects take me at least a years time to finish up. they always get done anyone can tell you that it just takes time.
Email him DIRECTLY, do NOT click on his name to the left and choose an option, instead, email him DIRECTLY at:
Well I'm sure if you made 10 sets of cf spoilers you would sell them in a day! I would be one to buy a set. It's ether that or fix what I have now and if I go through that work I'm not switching to cf later lol
agreed and thanks for now all new projects are on hold. too many things going on! go here and maybe you'll get your answer.
COMET Fiberglass hood I got one in my parts trailer with a 3" Scoop .. Took it off a race COMET over 15 years ago .. Its the " Lift off" type with four hood pin locations. If you're seriously interested in the hood lemmeno and I'll take some photos . I don't plan on using it .. I also have a rear Louvre Panel for a Maverick in the attic which I'm not going to use either. Cometized
thanks for the very nice offer for the hood however i do not think i will be making a lift off hood. if i do make one it will be a bolt on. now that louver panel on the other hand that might be something i would be interested in looking at to see if i would be able to repo that or not.