OK, OK... I saw it!! No VIN on it yet, so the quest is only half complete. I do seem to have gained a reputation for liking Yellow Mavericks and Comets though... To the OP: Up here in the salt belt, especially on THIS side of the 49th parallel, a car in that shape should easily go for $3000-$4000 US. I paid $4500 US for my 19,000 mile Grabber over two years ago, and it cost me $2200 to ship it from Ohio to New Brunswick. I am currently restoring much of the car after having dug deep into the car to replace a rotten cowl, of all things. I have no regrets. Judging from your pictures, the paint and much of the car seems to be original. Mechanical stuff is relatively cheap and easy to fix, compared to structural and body components of the car suffering from rust/rot. These cars aren't really 'home-run' money makers. I suppose one COULD make a profit if one performed all of the work oneself and then did NOT account for the time/labour costs being worked into the sale price. At the end of the day, the person who buys it or makes an offer will ultimately be the one who sets the price of what it's "worth". The mechanical issues you have described will most likely not affect the value of the car too much, as I suspect a large majority of prospective buyers will be dreaming of a V8 and 5-lug wheels with upgraded brakes, rendering your clutch and brake issues irrelevant. It all comes back to the person buying it and their intentions. I say throw it on e-Bay and get the most exposure you can. Thank You for sharing it here first. Good Luck With Your Sale.
In Ca, it's a $2500 car, tops. Take it as a loss if you have to and move on. Your only going to invest more time and money if you hold on to it.
CDL: Judging from what I can " see" from the photos .. the car looks to be pretty straight .. the nicks and dings are to be expected on a car this old . Is it a FOUR LUG or FIVE ? I understand it needs a clutch so repairs would have to be made before it could be driven. Would you have time to take some photos of the front , inside , and engine compartment ? I'm prepared to make you a reasonable offer but I'd like to see those areas . Lemmeno please, Cometized (Chip)
Thank you guy's for the overwhelming response to my questions. What I was told by you all is what I suspected all along. But this was a now OR never purchase. There were others after it, so I dove in. Most of you guy's here have probably done this before so you know what I'm talking about. I bought this car knowing it wouldn't take much to get it road worthy but it really took more ($$$) than I thought. But don't they all?LOL And the labor I don't include. I love to do this stuff in my spare time but still can't consider it a hobby as hobby's cost you money and time. Money isn't what it used to be but I have more time than money. So thanks again. CHIP: The car IS running and driving now. I would not hesitate to drive this car on a couple hundred mile trip as is. Nothing about the clutch will prevent that that I know of. The fly wheel is just warped because the steering and dash shake if you don't rev the motor higher when launching. That said if you are still interested, I will give you first shot and will take pics of all the imperfections from this 45 year old car and list what is in the pics and also list the good and what has been done to get it road worthy. This is a 4 lug. With NEW front tires and good back tires. I don't know if this forum allows PM's but if they do, maybe we can do all this thru emails? Again thanks for all the great responses from who I consider experts on Mavericks.
Hi CDL: Just read your post. My email is cameocarclub@yahoo.com , you can contact me there and when you do I'll give you my phone number also . Waiting for the photos . Thanks Cometized ( Chip )