High Octane...Another point of view

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Posted by Sparks (IP: on August 05, 1999 at 19:00:05:

In Reply to: Right .....................High Octane -- Is it Worth the Price? posted by Mark on August 05, 1999 at 18:03:49:

I am not a Chemist.

My soapbox is based on Motorcyle experience.
With only two cylinders, minor changes are more noticable, and other than
Posers, most riders are very sensitive to thier machine.

The theory of internal combustion is that the best power can be reached when
detonation takes place at Top Dead Center (TDC) or just slightly after.
Most engine tuning methods are based upon the cylinder at TDC.
Reality intrudes and heat, pressure, and other factors can cause detonation
to occur before TDC. Higher octane resists detonation. In a 2 cylinder
engine, there is a noticable and measuarable increase in performance and
mileage with the use of higher octane fuel. This is in a very clean and
well tuned engine, alternating between 2 gallon tankfulls of high vs. low octane.

In 6 or 8 cylinders, the difference may not be as pronounced, but one can
logically have the theory that higer octane may have an impact on efficiency.

Race fuel is High octane.

Any other Points of view? T.L. I would be especially interested in hearing from.

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