Re: Is it mounted sideways ?? (vertical or horrizontal)

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Posted by WM (IP: on August 21, 1999 at 14:09:17:

In Reply to: Is it mounted sideways ?? (vertical or horrizontal) posted by T.L. on August 20, 1999 at 23:49:40:

It is mounted horizontally. The large brake line leading to the DS front wheel is on the opposite side when comparing the two blocks. I thought it was just "flipped" around, but then the two lines leading from the MC would be switched. Those lines have different size fittings so they only "go on" one way (ie. to their respective reservoirs)!

: : manual disc brake comet is a 1974. So here is the question, why is the "junction" block on my 1974 manual 4 wheel drum car different than the 74 comet disc block? The difference is seen when noting where the brake lines enter the block.

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