Ken, I had an experience where a friend's 351C developed a knock. It maintained 80lbs of oil pressure at idle and when we pulled the motor apart the #1 rod beariong was completely gone (even the steel backing to the insert was gone). I know that Clevelands oil a little bit differently than Windsors and do not know why this thing maintained oil pressure. It made absolutely no sense.I am not saying that your diagnosis is incorrect, just that it is possible in some situations to lose a bearing and maintain normal oil pressure.
:::..Brian, I'm sorry to hear that your engine gave up. I'm just wondering if you had it rebuilt using the original pistons.
::Nope. Used Silvolite (sp?) hyperutectic pistons
::: From your discription of the noise, it sounds like a piston shirt broke up and left the rod flop loose in the bore then it caught up.
::Started off as a VERY quiet knock and then got really loud over a period of about five seconds (longest damn 5 seconds I can remember), and a puff of blue smoke later... Oil pressure was still fine 55-60 psi.
:::I always recomend a rebuild use new pistons for that reason as the losses that result are quite high.
::The only part of that engine that was not new is the block and connecting rods (which were reconditioned by a local speed shop). The crank was a reman .02-.02 part with matching bearings.
::: Hang in there and put some thought to a 330 or 347 block assembly.
::I have to bow to the almighty dollar (and wife) in this department...
::When this happened, I was getting off of the freeway on the way home from work. The fastest that car had been that day was 65-70 mph. There was no warning or hint this was going to happen. The engine had hit 6000 rpm several times fooling around with my freinds, but, had never even been to the track yet (mostly due to the 2.79 rear end still in it...)
::Regarding heads, which is a better set:
::'88 GT heads (not sure if they are E7's, exhaust ports have been opened up)
::'66 289 heads, (C90E casting, I think). With these I know I need hardend seats installed. I was also going to go with 1.90 int and 1.64 exh. valves and milled to clean them up, and opening up the exhaust ports.
:..I am hung up on your report of still having 55-60 lbs oil press at the time it was heard till it let go. It would indicate to me that the big end and bearing was still intack until the rod got torn away. If the journal is not burned, then the failure would be up the rod somewhere. Let us know what you find.
:..With the head selection you mention, I would pick the late units. The early ones have smaller chambers and would tend to give a CR. on a 302 that may be a bit high with flat top pistons.