Re: Where and How can I ge an AOD. or aftermarket overdrive?  
Re: Where and How can I ge an AOD. or aftermarket overdrive? -- LIQUIDMAV Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Doc Niver ®
2001/09/21, 05:55:11

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How much it will cost I'm not sure I picked up a wrecked 81 T bird for $300 and got a spare 302 out of the deal. Installing
wasn't as bad as I thought it would be I used a trans , converter and flywheel out of a 81 Thunder Bird. The 302 came out of my sons 77 mavrick the drive shaft is the didn't have to be modifyed. I had to fab a trans mount because the boss sits about 2" back farther than the C4 used the same starter.
I found a aftermarket trans mount and copyed it.
The biggest problem I had was I had to make the shifer linkage and kick down linkage work because I didn't want to cut a hole in the floor of the grabber but I got lucky and had a threaded boss on the side of the bell housing.
A c4 shifts backwards from a AOD.
If you decide to do this(MAKE SURE THAT AS THE THROTTLE IS OPEN THAT YOU HAVE PRESSURE ON THROTTLE VALVE OF THE TRANS{KICK DOWN LEVER ON THE C4} ) you can burn an aod up on jack stands if it's not adjusted properly or in 6 mile as a friend found out.
The whole job took about a saturday.
One more thing, if you have a/c trim the drain under the car because the bellhouing sets up against it and seals it.

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