Re: low-roll shudder  
Re: Re: low-roll shudder -- Ken Merring Post Reply Top of thread Maverick Message Board
Posted by: Maverick-Matt ®
2001/10/01, 16:50:21

Author Profile
I thought I had mentioned it, but I guess I forgot. If I manually shift into first as I'm stopping, the problem does not occur (not yet at least ) At the time I start to roll (with the gear selector in the 'D'rive position), the transmission may be trying to down-shift into first. I figured that by trying that, I might rule out the torque converter, since I figured it would still do it regardless of what gear I was in if it was the converter.

I have not had a chance to check anything yet. Busy going to the races here in KC. What a great time! Sure beats working on the car.

:..C4 trans does not use vaccum functions until up shifting or down shifting needs to occurr in the drive selector position. In first or second you have manuel control of the function. There is also a centrifical shifting control, in the trans that is speed sensitive, to control shifting. I'm hoping its only U joints.
:Good luck, Ken

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