Posted by: Mavaholic ®
2001/09/07, 05:46:20
Author Profile
Torque boxes are part of the frame structure which tie in the front frame rails to the siderocker panels. The rocker panels then procede rear and tie into the rear torque boxes which then tie into the rear frame rails. To check your battery get a volt meter. (very cheap at radio shack & very usuful to have) Set it for DC Volts and a scale to read between 10 & 20 volts and connect it across the battery. With the car not running & all accessories off, a good battery will read about 12.2 to 12.6 volts. Usually just a shade over 12 is the norm. Anything under 12 indicates a bad battery. Now start the car. Voltage should jump up to around 13.8 volts. Anything over that can cook your battery and means your regulatory should be replaced.